Mommy and Daddy had to take me to the vet on Saturday because I have an owie on my foot. I think the vet was in a bad mood. She sure let me have it. After wrapping my foot (and making me look even cuter I think) she told me I need to loose 15 lbs. I don't know what she's talking about I only weight a skinny 106 lbs. I guess I'll have to cut out some chocolate cookies (dad too I think!). Then after poking me twice with a needle and sticking something up my backend I don't even want to think about she said I'm pretty sick. Seems I have hook worms and heart worms. I told you it wasn't a good day. Good news is I'm young and will get good treatment and be fine in no time. With all this stress I think I need those extra cookies! Don't you agree???

Here's a close up of the injury that started it all. As you can see I can still run in the backyard and get it dirty. :)